Sometimes you don't have a case against you yet, but you know you have an issue, or you wonder if an issue will turn into a problem, or if it will keep you from getting cleared, or you want to game out a strategy to address a problem proactively.
In those situations, you need solid legal advice. Leslie McAdoo Gordon offers a legal consultation service to help you plan and strategize your situation. Call or email to get an appointment to begin addressing your issue.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon,
Leslie McAdoo Gordon has represented clients
for over 25 years in cases against the government:
criminal defense, security clearances,
federal employee discipline and removal,
debarment of contractors,
criminal, OIG and Congressional investigations, expungements, and attorney discipline.
As of Fall 2022, Leslie has retired from taking litigation cases in the courts and before government agencies and is winding down her remaining matters.
Leslie continues to give private advice to clients concerning security clearances and other matters. Anyone seeking advice should contact Leslie through the portal on the right.
Security Clearance Resources
Adjudication Guidelines
The Adjudicative Guidelines for security clearances are publicly available.
You can find them here: Guidelines
DOHA decisions
The Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals publishes its decisions.
You can find them here: Decisions.
Contractors Seeking Facility Security Clearance
The Defense Security Service has a handbook to help contractors understand the FCL process.
You can find the link to the handbook here: Handbook
Requesting Your OPM Background Investigation
OPM runs the National Background Investigations Bureau where you can request your prior OPM investigations under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
The page to start your request is here: Request
Attorney Leslie McAdoo Gordon

Leslie McAdoo Gordon is a 1996 cum laude graduate of the Georgetown University Law Center.
She practiced law in Maryland, D.C., and Virginia in state and federal courts, and before federal agencies in security clearance, debarment, & employee discipline cases.
Prior to becoming an attorney, Leslie was a Special Agent at the Department of Defense, conducting background investigations for security clearance.
She also taught numerous courses about security clearances and expungment law to various bar associations & groups and has testified as a expert in security clearances. She was recognized as a Top Lawyer in National Security Law by Washingtonian magazine, December 2015 Edition.
Leslie's Book: The Top 25 "Quick Questions" About Security Clearances ANSWERED!
This new book answers the 25 most asked questions that Leslie gets about the security clearance process. It includes topics such as:
* Whether the investigator will interview your ex-wife or husband.
* Whether members of the LGBTQ community can be cleared.
* Whether a bad credit score will keep you from getting cleared.
* Whether going to AA is a problem when applying for clearance.
* Whether the investigator will look at your social media.
And 20 more! Plus a bonus chapter.
Coming Soon . . .
A second book is in the works about whether you can get cleared if you have certain issues in your background investigation, such as . . .
bankruptcy foreclosure
unpaid taxes
not registering for
Selective Service
being fired from a job
a less than Honorable discharge
and more.
A lawyer without history or literature is a mechanic, a mere working mason; if he possesses some knowledge of these, he may venture to call himself an architect.
Thomas Jefferson